
대학원 공지사항

2022학년도 전자정보공과대학 우수대학원생 연구자 포상제도 시행 안내Guidance on the implementation of the award system foroutstand

  • 관리자
  • 2022-10-21
  • 3634

제목 : 2022학년도 전자정보공과대학 우수대학원생 연구자 포상제도 시행 안내

대상 : 전자정보공과대학 소속 석사과정 3학기, 석박통합과정 및 박사 과정 5학기 이상
제출기간 : 2022.10.31.(월)까지
제출방법 : 첨부의 엑셀파일을 작성하여 windowlee@kw.ac.kr로 이메일 제출
평가방법 : 첨부 평가표에 의해 산정된 연구업적점수 총점으로 최상위자를 선정하고, 동점시에는 질적평가로 결정한다. 공통주저자의 논문점수는 주저자 수로 나누어 반영하고,
논문은 공식 게재까지 시간이 많이 소요되기 때문에 채택까지 인정한다. (재학기간 중 달성한 연구업적)

시상 :
- 최우수 연구자상 1명(박사과정(석박통합과정 포함), 상금 5십만원
- 우수 연구자상 2명(박사과정(석박통합과정 포함)), 상금 각 3십만원
- 우수 연구자상 2명(석사과정), 상금 각 3십만원
단, 탁월한 업적이 없는 분야는 시상하지 아니한다.

첨부 파일 : 평가표

Guidance on the implementation of the award system for outstanding graduate students at the College of Electronics and Information Engineering in 2022.


Hello, this is the College of Electronics and Information Engineering.
The College of Electronics and Information Engineering is implementing an the College of Electronics and Information Engineering reward system to encourage graduate students from the College of Electronics and Information Engineering and boost morale against excellent researchers.


Therefore, we are receiving the research achievements of graduate students for the award of excellent researchers at the College of Electronics and Information Engineering in 2022, so we ask for your support from the corresponding graduate researchers.


1. Target: 3 semesters of master's course belonging to the Electronic Information Technology University, 5 semesters or more of master's course, integrated stone foil course, and PhD course.


2. Submission period: Until October 25, 2022 (Tue)


3. Submission method: Fill out the attached Excel file and submit it to windowlee@kw.ac.kr


4. Evaluation method: The highest level shall be selected as the total research achievement score calculated by the attached evaluation table, and in case of tie, it shall be determined by qualitative evaluation. The paper scores of the common authors are divided and reflected by the number of authors, and the paper is recognized even for adoption because it takes a long time to publish officially.
(Research achievements achieved during the period of enrollment)


5. Awards:
- One best researcher award (including a Ph.D. program) and 500,000 won in prize money
- Two outstanding researcher awards (including a PhD course) and a prize of 300,000 won each
- Two outstanding researcher awards (master's course), 300,000 won each 

Provided, That areas that do not have outstanding achievements shall not be awarded.

서울시 노원구 광운로 26(월계동 447-1) 광운대학교(01897)